La construcción discursiva del epitalamio: contrastes y oposiciones en De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae de Marciano Capela

  • Julieta Cardigni
Keywords: late antiquity, Martianus Capella, discursive analysis, prologue


In De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae (V A. D.) Martianus Capella proposes an allegorical epithalamium in which knowledge and eloquence —Philology and Mercury— are supposed to unite in marriage. Our paper focuses on the Prologue (1.1-2), which can be considered as a programmatic section applied to the whole work. We aim to recognize the discursive strategies Martianus employs to construct De nuptiis, and at the same time we expect to analyze the destabilizing effect this construction shows in the possibility of unification between discourse and knowledge.


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How to Cite
Cardigni, J. (1). La construcción discursiva del epitalamio: contrastes y oposiciones en De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae de Marciano Capela. Anales De Filología Clásica, (26), 19-34.