Representaciones del furor femenino en Cupido cruciatur de Ausonio

  • Liliana Pégolo
Keywords: Ausonius, intertextuality, woman, Cupid


Cupido cruciator is a Late Antique epillion in which Ausonius poeticizes a pictorial representation, where the mythical women serve their sentences in the underworld by an unhealthy eros. Love and hate are intertwined in intertextual levels until an unsuspecting Cupid joins the “here” and “now” of the female gesticulate discourse; the rage is unleashed, like beasts to the ambush, the women see in the divinity the mirror of their miseries.As the pulled petals of a flower, this article procures to draw back the veils of Ausonian linguistic construction, and recognize the pulses in crescendo from the furor which has just tormenting the delicious tormentor.


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How to Cite
Pégolo, L. (1). Representaciones del furor femenino en Cupido cruciatur de Ausonio. Anales De Filología Clásica, (26), 51-62.