From Hyperea to Scheria: possible scenarios for political reality in the Homeric poems

  • Gastón A. Prada
Keywords: Homeric poems, political entities, political philosophy, community


This article aims to expose the different forms of community that Homer presents in his poems. By means of a description and an analysis of the main characteristics of each of the societies exposed, those political entities that are considered most relevant for the philosophical-political thought are systematized. The reflective nature of such presentation is exhibited by means of the different nuances and oppositions games, produced in turn by the contrast between different possible scenarios for the approach to political reality. 


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How to Cite
Prada, G. A. (1). From Hyperea to Scheria: possible scenarios for political reality in the Homeric poems. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(30), 129-141.