The Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” is a biannual journal of history that reflects the best results of historiographical research work in Latin America, as well as Latin Americanist works from other regions of the world. Its purpose is to constitute a means of communication between the authors and the specialized academic public to which it is addressed; but it also aspires to reach a wider audience, hoping to enrich the contributions and debates of Latin American historiography.

It publishes unpublished and original scientific works in Spanish, including articles, notes and historiographical debates and reviews on various topics of Argentine and American history, with a broad criterion regarding the types of approach or specialty, and with emphasis on the expression of authors from different disciplines and from various academic backgrounds.

The Boletín publishes two issues per year (January-June and July-December). The publication in paper format has been carried out since 1922, and in digital form since 2011.



The journal contains five sections and is open to contributions throughout the year.

  • The Articles section considers for publication original and unpublished works of research on Argentine and Latin American history.
  • The Notes and Debates section publishes essays that consider relevant historiographical discussions.
  • The Dossiers section considers for publication sets of 2 to 5 works with a common theme, related to the objectives of the Boletín, under a corresponding title, and with an introduction.
  • The Reviews section offers reviews of recently published books that stand out for their contributions to Argentine and Latin American history.
  • The Tributes section includes notes and essays on prominent figures in Argentine and American history, and appears occasionally in the publication.



The Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” publishes original and unpublished works by Argentine and foreign authors, preferably in Spanish.

Once the work has been received, the Boletín acknowledges receipt, a necessary condition to start the evaluation process, which, in all its instances, can last up to six months.

In the first instance, an internal evaluation is carried out by the Editorial Committee that evaluates the thematic relevance, adherence to editorial standards and quality of all submitted manuscripts.

In the second instance, the works of the sections Articles, Notes and Debates, and Dossier that have passed the internal evaluation are submitted to arbitration by at least two experts in the specialty external to the publishing institution, under a regime of double anonymity (the authors do not know the identity of the evaluator, and the evaluators do not know the identity of the authors). In the event of a discrepancy between these two arbitrations, the Editorial Committee may request a third external evaluation.

The evaluation form involves six aspects to be evaluated:

- originality;

- theoretical foundation and state of the matter;

- internal coherence;

- style and writing;

- empirical proof; and

- methodology.


Based on the result of the evaluation, authors may be asked to make changes to their work. The acceptance of these by the Editorial Committee and/or the referees will be a necessary condition for publication. The authors must provide a written justification in the cases in which they decide not to take into account the suggested modifications. Once this process is concluded, the Editorial Committee has the final decision whether to accept its publication.

Three options are available for the final decision:

  1. accepted for publication (may include minor changes);
  2. accepted for publication once the indicated changes have been made;
  3. rejected for the above reasons.

The rejection rate of the 2020-2021 biennium was 40%, being 27.3% for not reaching minimum quality parameters, and 12.7% for not falling within the theme of the Boletín or for having previously published parts. Authors are advised to carefully read manuscripts before submitting them, both to verify compliance with the rules and to correct possible errors or errata.



Author responsibilities

The opinions expressed in the works that are published are the sole responsibility of their authors and in no way commit the Boletín or its editors.

The manuscripts received must not be proposed for publication in another journal, for which the authors must sign a commitment of originality.

Each author is entirely responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions for the reproduction of text, illustrations or maps whose rights do not belong to him.

By the mere fact of agreeing to submit a work to the Editorial Committee to consider its inclusion in the Boletín, it is understood that its author is the owner of the corresponding rights, and that he assigns them to the Boletín in case his work is published.



The copyright is transferred to the Boletín, but the authors may recover them and reproduce their work in other media or formats by means of a written request to the Editorial Committee, and after a minimum period of six months from the initial publication. In such cases, the Boletín will be cited as the first publication of the work.

The works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of their authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Also, by written request to the Editorial Committee of the Boletín, the authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication here. No commercial uses are allowed.


Plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection policy

When the Editorial Committee considers that a submission is of interest to the journal, two tools are used to control the originality of the manuscripts received (PlagScan and PaperRater).

Plagiarism is understood as:

  • Submitting the work of others as their own.
  • Adopting words or ideas of other authors without due recognition.
  • Not using quotation marks or other distinctive format in a verbatim quotation.
  • Giving incorrect information about the true source of a quote.
  • The paraphrasing of a source without mentioning the source.
  • Abusive paraphrasing, even if the source is mentioned.

Self-plagiarism means:

  • Changing the appearance of a work and present it as if it was a different one.
  • Omitting the indication that the work is being recycled.

If plagiarism is detected in any of the instances, the evaluation process is interrupted, and the contribution is rejected. The author will be notified of the reason for the rejection.



The Boletín follows ethical principles that govern the international arena throughout its editorial process. It adheres in this sense to the principles provided for in COPE (

Editor’s Responsibilities

  • Ensure the quality of the works the journal publishes.
  • Guarantee freedom of expression.
  • Commit to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, or apologies when necessary.
  • Ensure that published papers are peer-reviewed, and the double-blind review process is fair, impartial and timely.
  • Ensure a system that guarantees that works submitted for review maintain anonymity.
  • Ensure the integrity of intellectual property by adopting tools to detect plagiarism.
  • Guarantee and declare a system to manage a possible conflict of interest between the parties involved in the editorial process (authors, reviewers, editors, etc.).



The editorial team of the journal understands by conflict of interest to the divergence between the scientific/academic work and the personal interests of any of the parties that work in the editorial process (authors, editors, external evaluators). These conflicts can be of a different nature: a) Economic: when the participants in the editorial process expect to receive a monetary consideration for their work. To do this, they must declare in writing that they will not receive any monetary compensation from the journal. b) Personal/Labor: when there is a personal or labor link. In this regard, the editorial team must select evaluators or ensure that they do not have any relationship with the evaluated. Regarding external evaluators, in case they identify an eventual author in the double-blind review process, they must notify the Editorial Committee. c) Academics: when possible biases arise in the evaluation process due to ideological or methodological positions of external peers. For this reason, authors have the possibility to mention names of potential evaluators who should not take part in the editorial process.



The Boletín does not, under any circumstances, charge the authors of works for their processing or publication, either as a referee, proofreading or editing tasks.

On the other hand, the authors will not receive any type of monetary compensation from the journal.



The Boletín adheres to the Open Access model of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) declaration. Consequently, it provides access free, charge free and immediate access to its online content, and without temporary embargoes.

Readers and users in general immediately access the materials published in the Boletín, being able to read, download, copy, distribute, print, add links to their complete texts, track them for indexing, incorporate them as data in a software, or use them for any other purpose that is legal; without financial, legal or technical barriers, apart from those that are inseparable from the same access to the Internet, and with the only requirement of recognizing the credits corresponding to the authors and the Boletín as the first publication.

As for the authors, the Boletín authorizes them to share their articles in pre-print version within institutional repositories, thematic or personal web pages from the moment they are informed of the acceptance for publication. Similarly, once the article has been published by the Boletín, authors are authorized to share the corrected post-print version of their article.

The Boletín has adhered to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).



The Boletín is published every six months (January-June and July-December), in the first days of January and July.



This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among the participating libraries, allowing those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. More information...

Likewise, the contents of the Boletín are self-archived in .pdf format, immediately, just after published, in the institutional repository of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Library and Information System of the University of Buenos Aires, Sisbi).


Self-archive policy

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.