Questions to Hilda Sabato

Keywords: Modern Politics, Historiography, Global North Hegemony, New Political History


The essay analyzes Hilda Sabato’s last book (Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo. El experimento político latinoamericano del siglo XIX, Buenos Aires: Taurus/Penguin Random House, 2021) and poses two main questions. The first one points to the reasons why Spanish American independences have not been part of the narratives about the Atlantic democratic revolutions. Is this situation a consequence of the hegemonic trends in international historiographical production? The second refers to Hilda Sabato’s own experience in the formation of networks, circulations, and practices of the discipline leading to the theoretical and methodological renewal of political history, which has recently placed those independences as important topics within the broad  history of political modernity.


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Sabato, H. (2007), “Saberes y pasiones del historiador. Apuntes en primera persona” Marina Franco y Florencia Levin (comps.): Historia reciente. Perspectivas y desafíos para un campo en construcción. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Sabato, H. (2018), Republics of the New World. The Revolutionary Political Experiment in 19th-Century Latin America. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

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How to Cite
Serrano, S. (2022). Questions to Hilda Sabato. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (56), 119-125.
Notes and Debates