On Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo. El experimento político latinoamericano del siglo XIX, by Hilda Sabato

Keywords: Republic, Democracy, Politics, 19th Century, Sovereignty, Elections, Associations


This essay examines some of the most salient dimensions of Hilda Sabato’s latest book Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo. First, it analyzes key aspects such as the versatility of the book’s possible readings, its flawless structure that revolves around the problem of sovereignty, and the unusual fact of a book that sticks throughout to its initial claim regarding the autonomy of the political. Next, it highlights the book’s contribution to the comparative study of the complex Latin American republican experience vis-à-vis the multiple European trajectories. Finally, it explores the relationships suggested by Sabato between the end of the republican experiment and the variations in the conception of democracy.


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Gargarella, R. (2005). Los fundamentos legales de la desigualdad. El constitucionalismoen América (1776-1860). Madrid: Siglo XXI.
How to Cite
Roldán, D. (2022). On Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo. El experimento político latinoamericano del siglo XIX, by Hilda Sabato. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (56), 126-134. https://doi.org/10.34096/bol.rav.n56.10889
Notes and Debates