A step in an ongoing dialogue

Keywords: Republics, Politics, Spanish America, 19th Century


This piece reflects upon several of the themes raised by historians Daniel Gutiérrez Ardila, Erika Pani, Darío Roldán, and Sol Serrano in their comments to my book Repúblicas del Nuevo Mundo. El experimento político latinoamericano del siglo XIX (Buenos Aires/Lima/Santiago de Chile: Taurus, 2021). It focuses on the political life of the Spanish American republics during that century and on the historiography thereof.


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Thibaud, C. (2019). Para una historia policéntrica de los republicanismos atlánticos (1770-1889), Primas, 23, pp.145-162.
How to Cite
Sabato, H. (2022). A step in an ongoing dialogue. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (56), 135-145. https://doi.org/10.34096/bol.rav.n56.10890
Notes and Debates