The Hitler youth in Argentina through the magazine Junges Volk. Between German, National Socialist and Argentine identities

Keywords: National Socialism, German Argentines, national identity


From the 1930s National Socialists in Argentina designed a series of mechanisms to instill the feeling of a renewed and harmonic community comprising most of the very diverse German speaking population in the country. These initiatives were spearheaded by a group of institutions related to the party, which attempted to penetrate the daily life of thousands of people to constitute spaces of sociability which in turn would create a German, National Socialist “us”. With this aim the Deutsch-Argentinisches Pfadfinderkorps (German Argentine Explorer Corps) was established, incorporating boys and youths from the age of 8 to 18. This article examines the pages of its official publication, Junges Volk, focusing on the devices which helped their readers build a German, National Socialist and Argentine identity, in a local political landscape marked by denunciations of a potential “Nazi infiltration” of the country, and by growing concerns about the loyalty of the children of immigrant parents.


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How to Cite
Friedmann, G. (2024). The Hitler youth in Argentina through the magazine Junges Volk. Between German, National Socialist and Argentine identities. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (60), 121-144.