Don Cándido Sotomayor and his consistency in the perception of quality

Keywords: quality, classification, consistency, racial categories


For twenty-six years, the priest of Los Llanos, Don Cándido Sotomayor, carried out a task of organizing and classifying the priesthood that is surprising given the dynamics of constant change that characterized that community towards the end of the colonial period. In this sense, it seems that his work did not consist of a mere reclassification of the population, but rather a personal and consistent categorization based on the implicit criteria of quality perception. The categories used by Sotomayor reveal both the values ​​rooted in his position in the social hierarchy and the changes in the current racial imaginaries and their resignification towards the end of the colonial era. It is important to highlight, in line with what the authors expressed, the opportunities that the analysis of Sotomayor's work provides to examine the approaches through which the census takers observed reality. Likewise, it allows contrasting perceptions, consistency and reinforcements of certain implicit attributes of quality over time. This detailed look at the religious’ work and classification criteria offers us a unique window to understand how quality was constructed and perceived at that time, as well as to analyze the changes and continuities in social and racial evaluations throughout the colonial period.


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How to Cite
Guzmán, F. (2024). Don Cándido Sotomayor and his consistency in the perception of quality. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (61), 92-102.
Debate I: El país indiviso. Poblamiento, conflictos por la tierra y mestizajes