Las batallas de los “laicos”: movilización estudiantil en Buenos Aires, septiembre - octubre de 1958

  • Valeria Manzano
Keywords: Student Movement, Reformism, Lay, Frondizism, Peronism


Through the analysis of three interrelated processes, this article reconstructs the cycle of mobilizations led by university and high-school students during the so-called “lay or free” conflict. First, the article explores the emergence of a new student generation, whose most visible elements were the high-school students. Second, it examines how the press as well as ministers and the police forces explained the characteristics of that student movement by resorting to anticommunist and anti-Peronist discourses. Lastly, it analyzes how some sectors of the student leadership strove to approach the Peronist labor movement and its lasting consequences to the preservation of the Reformist-oriented student movement.


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How to Cite
Manzano, V. (2009). Las batallas de los “laicos”: movilización estudiantil en Buenos Aires, septiembre - octubre de 1958. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (31), 123-150. Retrieved from