Fragmentos de poder. Rebelión, política y fragmentación territorial en Cuyo (1820)

  • Beatriz Bragoni Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. CONICET, Argentina.
Keywords: political mobilization, rebellion, territorial fragmentation, militias, Cuyo


The object of this work is to examine the political actors and arguments that converged simultaneously in the fragmentation of the Cuyo Government during 1820. In such sense the political conflictivity pushes into the scene not only the regional interactions, but it also displays a social complexity that can hardly be reduced to a factious game settled down among the local elite groups or families, as well as their clientelistic relations. Also, the restitution of motives and social profiles that brought that complex web of power relations into being, allows to see the reasons that finally buried the ancient Cuyo jurisdiction. Besides, it enlightens the unknown aspects of a political configuration where the regular forces and civic militias were the fundamental actors.


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How to Cite
Bragoni, B. (2005). Fragmentos de poder. Rebelión, política y fragmentación territorial en Cuyo (1820). Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (28), 39-64. Retrieved from