“Scattered, Banished, and Errant...”. Expulsion throughout the revolutionary decade

  • Marcela Tejerina Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca
Keywords: Río de la Plata, revolution, political practices, conflict, expulsion


This paper focuses on the process by which the exclusion of the enemy was institutionalized in the Río de la Plata throughout the revolutionary decade as one way of resolving political conflicts. Under the form of banishment, deportation, confinement, estrangement or expatriation, the analysis of the political-legal framework of these measures, the itineraries of the excluded, the role and influence of the host groups as well as the solidarity networks that supported them clearly demonstrate the political importance of the “places of exclusion”. Even though, as a power mechanism, expulsion from a territory enables us to draw some parallels with the Bourbon period, our conclusions refer to its special meaning and scope in the context of the new revolutionary imaginary.


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How to Cite
Tejerina, M. (2017). “Scattered, Banished, and Errant.”. Expulsion throughout the revolutionary decade. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (48). Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/boletin/article/view/6543