The difficulties of a reduction to unity: the building of episcopal power in the Anglican Church in Argentina (1869-1920)

  • Paula Seiguer Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana "Dr. Emilio Ravignani"
Keywords: Anglican Church, Argentine history, bishops, centralization, institutionalization


This article focuses in a facet of the pluralization of the Argentine religious field, which has not often received much attention, the transformation of a set of semi-private initiatives into an institution thought of as of public good. It analyzes some of the conflicts faced by the two first Anglican bishops in Argentina, Waite Hockin Stirling and Edward Francis Every, and the instruments both used in the process of building a centralized power and a progressively institutionalized Church. The gradual concentration of authority in the figure of the bishop from heterogeneous and mutually independent beginnings allowed for the construction of a unified space from which it would later on be possible to hold stances and dialogue with others actors of Argentine society.


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How to Cite
Seiguer, P. (2017). The difficulties of a reduction to unity: the building of episcopal power in the Anglican Church in Argentina (1869-1920). Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (48). Retrieved from