Christian Democracy, Justicialist Party and political fronts. The FREJUDEPA in historical perspective

  • Marcela Ferrari
Keywords: Argentine, Political Coalitions, Peronism, Christian Democratic Party, Buenos Aires Province


The article analyzes in historical perspective the constitution of political fronts articulated by the Peronism for argentine elections in the late 1980s. It is focused on the link between the Christian Democratic Party and the Justicialista’s renovator faction  of the province of Buenos Aires by 1985. Also, the article puts these links in a long run perspective, and recovers speeches and basic programmatic overlaps between both members of the coalition. By that, the work tries to contribute to the debate on political coalitions in Argentina by the late twentieth century.


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How to Cite
Ferrari, M. (2017). Christian Democracy, Justicialist Party and political fronts. The FREJUDEPA in historical perspective. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (48). Retrieved from