Rural history of southern Brazil: an overview of recent surveys (19th century)

  • Luís Augusto Farinatti
Keywords: Historiographical balance, Rural History, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, 19th Century


In the last decades, the historiography of the rural world in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (located in the extreme south of Brazil), has achieved considerable progress, particularly that focused in the 19th century. Throughout that period, this region shared characteristics with other areas of Brazil, slavery among them, which had last until the near end of the century. But it also shared similarities with the Rio de la Plata (River Plate) regions, such as immigrant agricultural colonies and widespread livestock farming. This article emphasizes the role of research on the agrarian structure and access to productive factors. In addition, it tries, at least, to offer an outline of other areas, such as land distribution issues, and forms of rural labor.


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How to Cite
Farinatti, L. A. (2017). Rural history of southern Brazil: an overview of recent surveys (19th century). Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (48). Retrieved from
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