The Expression of Political Dissidence and its Treatment in Buenos Aires, 1810-1820

  • Irina Polastrelli
Keywords: Political dissidence, Repression strategies, Elite, Revolution, Buenos Aires


This article examines various forms of expression of political dissidence by analyzing the conspiracies, riots and mutiny in which the members of the political elite participated during the 1810s in Buenos Aires. However, its main objective is to explore the strategies implemented to repress and punish these kinds of actions. The analysis is divided into three periods: the first one includes the initial rifts in the revolutionary leading group, 1810-1811; the second one comprises the predominance of the Logia Lautaro, 1812-1815; and the third one examines the years 1816-1820, which coincide with Pueyrredon’s Directory.


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How to Cite
Polastrelli, I. (2018). The Expression of Political Dissidence and its Treatment in Buenos Aires, 1810-1820. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (50). Retrieved from