The Cuban Revolution: a Historiographical Balance

  • Martín Ribadero
Keywords: Cuban Revolution, Historiography History, Academy, Latin America


The historiography on the Cuban revolution has grown remarkably in recent decades. Despite the difficulties in finding a point of comparison with other periods in the history of the island, such as the Republic or the XIXth Century, historians, anthropologists, sociologists and economists managed to get the current knowledge about this central fact in the history of Cuba and Latin America –or even globally– be increasingly informative, analytical and comprehensive. This article aims to identify the main historiographical trends that addressed the study of the revolution in order to establish scope and limits of the process close to reaching sixty years.


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How to Cite
Ribadero, M. (2019). The Cuban Revolution: a Historiographical Balance. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (51). Retrieved from
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