Civic militia and independent Lima (1821-1829). From Monteagudo’s legal regulations to La Mar

  • Victor Peralta Ruiz
Keywords: militia / Lima / independence / Bernardo Monteagudo / Simon Bolivar / Jose de La Mar


This article studies the civic militia in Lima (Perú) in the period between the Protectorate of General Jose de San Martin (1820-1822) and the government of General Jose de La Mar (1827-1829). As a result of the analysis of a number of legal regulations concerning the militias and other primary sources, this work demonstrates that there was little concord between the legal framework of the militias, their political aims, and their social acceptance. While the rulers encouraged hispanophobia and republicanism by means of civic militias, the population of Lima, except for the popular classes (plebe), refused to participate in those forces for they considered that it was against their prestige and social class.


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How to Cite
Peralta Ruiz, V. (2015). Civic militia and independent Lima (1821-1829). From Monteagudo’s legal regulations to La Mar. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (42). Retrieved from