Between political violence and provincial institutionalization. The "Posse Revolution" in Tucumán, 1856

  • Flavia Macias
  • María José Navajas
Keywords: rebellion, politics, militias, institutionalization


The aim of this work is to analyze the role of civic rebellions in the process of institutionalization of Tucumán, after Caseros (1852). In this case, special attention will be paid to a civic revolt known as “La Revolución de los Posse” which took place after the election of Anselmo Rojo as governor, in April 1856. In order to examine the rebellion, this work studies the relationship between liberal political party internal conflicts, the political and military role of local militias and their leaders (Comandantes militares), and the organization of the revolt. In addition, this research focuses on the suppression of that rebellion and the subsequent trial of the insurgents.


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How to Cite
Macias, F., & Navajas, M. J. (2015). Between political violence and provincial institutionalization. The "Posse Revolution" in Tucumán, 1856. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (42). Retrieved from