Catholicism and Protestantism in early modern Uruguay (1876-1880)

  • Sebastián Hernández Méndez
Keywords: Catholic Church, Methodist Church, Protestantism, Freedom of worship, Uruguay


While Colonel Lorenzo Latorre was governing (1876-1880), Uruguay faced an intense debate about the legitimacy of religion, its functions in modern society and the role that up to then the Catholic Church had been performing as a shaping cultural institution. This paper seeks to deal with the main points of the discussion held particularly between Catholics and Methodists, while analyzing the different responses tested by the Catholic Church to deal with the Methodist preaching.


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How to Cite
Hernández Méndez, S. (1). Catholicism and Protestantism in early modern Uruguay (1876-1880). Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (46), 110-146. Retrieved from