Argentine socialists and the «bourgeois press». La Vanguardia weekly and media modernization in turn of the century Buenos Aires

  • Juan Buonuome
Keywords: Buenos Aires, Socialist press, La Vanguardia, Print culture


This article seek to analyze the representations that the Socialist weekly La Vanguardia drawn up on the largest circulation newspapers in the city of Buenos Aires at the turn of the nineteenth century. In this period, the editors of the Socialist Party's main media expressed growing anxiety on the significant social and political prominence that newspapers like La Prensa, La Nación and El Diario had. In its efforts to understand the phenomenon of the so-called "bourgeois press", La Vanguardia offered images of the inner workings and profiles of its journalists and readers, as well as their ways of political intervention and its representations of Argentina’s turn of the century society.


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How to Cite
Buonuome, J. (1). Argentine socialists and the «bourgeois press». La Vanguardia weekly and media modernization in turn of the century Buenos Aires. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (46), 147-179. Retrieved from