Labor force and Taxation at the end of the 17th century: Dispersion and variability of the Yanacona category in the Southern Andes

  • Raquel Gil Montero
  • Lia Guillermina Oliveto
  • Fernando Longui
Keywords: Yanaconas, 17th Century, general inspection, Taxation


The study of the transformations experienced by the Yanacona category as time went by, enables us to approach the central issues of the present dossier: colonial domination. We have analyzed the information provided by the Visita General de Indios made to the Viceroyalty of Peru in 1683, in the light of the debates available in specialized bibliography. From the provinces included in the visit we will choose Atacama, Lípez, Chicha and Tarija. From a qualitative- quantitative combined analysis and a cartography that displays its distribution and spatial variations, we propose a re-reading of the diverse situations the regional labor force, classified as Yanacona, faced at the end of the 17th century. The emphasis will be placed on their relationship with their “masters” and their integration into the different colonial enterprises.


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How to Cite
Gil Montero, R., Oliveto, L. G., & Longui, F. (1). Labor force and Taxation at the end of the 17th century: Dispersion and variability of the Yanacona category in the Southern Andes. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (43), 59-93. Retrieved from