Imaginar en el aire: reflexiones sobre el cine de Jorge Prelorán

  • Philip Derbyshire
Palavras-chave: anthropology, cinema, ethnocinema, Argentine North West, Jorge Prelorán, Hermógenes Cayo


This article looks at the early work of the Argentine-American documentary film-maker JorgePrelorán and argues that his stylistic shift in the production of «ethnobiography» is in part a function of his encounter with the local aesthetic practices of the puna in North Western Argentina and pivots round a transformation of the epistemological and ethical relations to the other represented in anthropology and ethno-documentary. The dialogic mode of this encounter marks a subtle rejection of the dominant mode of visual production of knowledge and effects a form of militancy unrecognised at the time.


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Como Citar
Derbyshire, P. (1). Imaginar en el aire: reflexiones sobre el cine de Jorge Prelorán. Estudios Sociales Del NOA, (12), 5-17. Recuperado de