El futuro y la vocación artística en Anton Reiser

  • Gabriel Pascansky


This paper studies the representation of the future in Karl Philipp Moritz’s novel Anton Reiser. Ein psychologischer Roman. The hypothesis is that three different types of future are represented in this work and that they fulfill a key structural function in the story. In order to characterize the different types of future in the novel and to understand how they shape the narrative, two external discourses are drawn upon: firstly, the theories of conceptual history on the temporalization of experience in Modernity and the discovery of a new concept of future (Koselleck, Hölscher); secondly, Moritz's own aesthetic writings.


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How to Cite
Pascansky, G. (2022). El futuro y la vocación artística en Anton Reiser. Inter Litteras, (4). https://doi.org/10.34096/interlitteras.n4.11715
Futuros Pasados en la literatura del s. XIX: del Romanticismo al fin de siècle