¿Utopía o pesadilla? El futuro post-sufragista en La Nueva Amazonia de E.B. Corbett

  • Melanie Umerez
  • Fiorela Mestres


In this present paper we will address the contradictions posed by The New Amazonia (1989) by Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett, a novel which surfaces in the midst of debates on the limits of women’s political development and falls into the genre of utopian fiction, but at the same time presents a dystopian depiction of the potential ideal feminist community which it portrays. In this respect, the book presents an ambivalent perspective on this future society since, although it argues that the enfranchisement of women and their participation in politics are the first steps to guarantee social progress and encourages contemporary women to fight for the acquirement of their rights, it also warns them about the dangers of a society that continues to be ruled by oppression and binaries. Therefore, we will propound that the true utopia which is sought is not found in this future country but in the possibility of creating a fellowship of active readers that participate in and ignite change with the purpose of promoting the social and political advance of women.


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How to Cite
Umerez, M., & Mestres, F. (2022). ¿Utopía o pesadilla? El futuro post-sufragista en La Nueva Amazonia de E.B. Corbett. Inter Litteras, (4). https://doi.org/10.34096/interlitteras.n4.11727
Futuros Pasados en la literatura del s. XIX: del Romanticismo al fin de siècle