1970: Murena revisited or the mantra of a name

  • Leonora Djament Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Murena, Essay, Reception, Redemption, Frankfurt, School thinkers


Héctor Murena was a messianic and subversive intellectual. This article explores Murena’s writings from the 1970s to trace a possible conception of art as redemptive practice and in doing so understand how his late essays —written within a total skeptic mantle since the 1940s— constitute a particular mode of hope infused by the Jassidic and Islamic traditions read through the Frankfurt School thinkers.


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How to Cite
Djament, L. (2020). 1970: Murena revisited or the mantra of a name. Revista Crítica De Literatura Argentina. El Matadero, (14). https://doi.org/10.34096/em.n14.12584