Time disorder in the anticolonial museum

  • Gabriel Giorgi
Keywords: temporalities, post anthropocentrism, contemporary narratives, coloniality, anthropocene


This article analyzes Galo Gighliotto’s Museo de la Bruma (2019) as an example of a wider narrative transformation that responds to the new pressure non-human temporalities and agents exercise upon narrative form. In the case of the Museo this transformation revolves around the permanence of traces of the colonization of Tierra del Fuego, traces that will expand throughout the twentieth century and on a planetary scale. The form “museum” allows the juxtaposition of temporalities that cannot be reduced to any narrative synthesis, at the same time that disputes the complicity between museum, exhibition and coloniality. The narrative laboratory of Ghigliotto’s text thus allows us to illuminate the question of territory (as a central question for the planetary imaginaries of the present) under the sign of a juxtaposition of heterogeneous temporalities, which resist both anthropocentric scales and colonial capture.


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How to Cite
Giorgi, G. (2022). Time disorder in the anticolonial museum. Revista Crítica De Literatura Argentina. El Matadero, (16). https://doi.org/10.34096/em.n16.13667