“Interrogating and even modifying the past”: literary history in Borges

  • Julio Premat
Keywords: Borges, author figure, literary history, utopia, influence


The article associates the founding practice of a “Borges way” of narrating (the invention of books and authors) with an assiduous practice of fabricating literary history. With different procedures Borges reinvents the historicity of literature, the succession of works and the marks of influence, outlining an alternative narrative to the then dominant one. Commenting on the first three examples of this type of narrative (“The Approach to Almotásim”, “Pierre Menard, author of Don Quixote” and “Examination of the work of Herbert Quain”), some effects are noted in this respect, such as that of a non-chronological history, a dreamed history, a utopian history. It is attempted to show that, together with the operations carried out with philosophy, theology and other encyclopedic knowledge, Borges’ imaginative variations on and around literary history were central in the definition of his mature work.


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How to Cite
Premat, J. (2022). “Interrogating and even modifying the past”: literary history in Borges. Revista Crítica De Literatura Argentina. El Matadero, (16). https://doi.org/10.34096/em.n16.13671