La sexología médica y las ontologías corporales. El abordaje clínico de las disfunciones sexuales de hombres y mujeres cis en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

  • Ana Mines Cuenya
Keywords: Medical sexology, Cisheteronormative regulations, Sexual response, Sildenafil, Practical imbalances


The aim of this article is to analyse the disciplinary field of medical sexology and the way in which this speciality relates productively to the bodies of those it treats, mainly cissexual men and women. The article is divided into three sections. The first section analyses the configuration of the clinical strategies of sexology in relation to the field of medicine, with special emphasis on the development of sexual function and sexual response as categories that shape the clinical sexological object. The second part analyses the two “practical imbalances” that characterise this speciality: the one that takes place between the making of the diagnosis and the therapeutic stage, and the one that is located between psychotherapies and pharmacological therapies. The third part explores the differential ways in which medical sexology, its clinical strategies and these practical imbalances are related to the approach to the main consultations of cis men and cis women: “erectile dysfunction” and “hypoactive sexual desire”, respectively. The methodological strategy is guided by science and technology studies and feminist epistemologies. A collection of forty five heterogeneous materials is analysed: interviews with doctors, training programmes, medical articles, among others.


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How to Cite
Mines Cuenya, A. (2022). La sexología médica y las ontologías corporales. El abordaje clínico de las disfunciones sexuales de hombres y mujeres cis en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Mora, (28).