Un A profile of the radfem movement in Argentina: taxonomies, background and controversies

  • Julieta Massacese
Keywords: radical feminism; argentinian feminism; radfem.


This article has two objectives: first, to draw a profile of the Argentine radfem movement. The second is to problematize the identification between the radfem movement and radical feminism. The first part aims to provide a historical and theoretical background to the controversies surrounding the appropriation and meaning of the term radical feminism, particularly within lesbian feminism. The aim of this section is to offer a characterization of trans-exclusive antisex feminism, which we consider to be the antecedent of the current radfem movement. In the second part of this paper, we are interested in sketching a profile of the Argentine radfem movement in relation to its readings, its international alliances, and the way in which they represent themselves, the feminism they defend and their controversial interlocutors. As a philosophical background in terms of the history of feminisms, one reason for reflection is the limits and usefulness of taxonomies or classifications, which in this work are developed around the idea of radical feminism, a term that is far from accurate in the historical description and that is subject to often contradictory re-appropriations. radical feminism; argentinian feminism; radfem.


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How to Cite
Massacese, J. (2023). Un A profile of the radfem movement in Argentina: taxonomies, background and controversies. Mora, 2(29). https://doi.org/10.34096/mora.n29.13921