Las periferias del paraíso, los dilemas de la culpa. Figuras heterogéneas de la maternidad en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo

  • Julia Kratje


Starting from the premise that the maternal figure staged spaces and territories of a socio-cultural framework, as well as relations between discourse of power and discourse of love (Dominguez, 2007), the article explores the deconstruction of the mother figure in two contemporary Latin American films: Karim Aïnouz’s O Céu de Suely (2006) and Anahí Berneri’s Por tu culpa (2010). From socio-cultural analysis and film criticism, the aim is to develop some approaches to certain configurations of feminine/feminists subjectivities that involve the topography of the body related to the notion of “maternal authority” (Kristeva, 1980) and the boundaries of the modern division of spheres around the public and the private, as well as the experiences of the family environment and everyday life.


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How to Cite
Kratje, J. (1). Las periferias del paraíso, los dilemas de la culpa. Figuras heterogéneas de la maternidad en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo. Mora, (20), 5-17.