Las mujeres en la época de oro de la antropología mexicana: 1935-1965

  • Mary Rosaria Goldsmith Connelly
  • Martha Judith Sánchez Gómez
Keywords: history of anthropology, women anthropologists, mexican anthropology


As is the case for the almost all areas of scientific knowledge, Anthropology in Mexico was male dominated since its origins, during the  first two decades (1920-1940) following the Mexican Revolution and throughout what has been called the Golden Age of Mexican Anthropology (1940-1964) which ended with critique of indigenismo at the end of the 1960s.  Nonetheless, a number of women did enter the field of anthropology, conducting research and training students during the 30 years (1935 -1965) considered within this article. Drawing upon documentary research and interviews, we reconstruct the professional and personal lives of some of these anthropologists. We explore the ways in which their kinship ties, intellectual genealogies, and class and ethnic backgrounds shaed their professional practices; we also examine their research topics and theoretical and methodological frameworks. 


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How to Cite
Goldsmith Connelly, M. R., & Sánchez Gómez, M. J. (1). Las mujeres en la época de oro de la antropología mexicana: 1935-1965. Mora, (20), 121-135.
Dossier. Pasado y presente de la antropología feminista