La subversión del <i>grito</i>. Repensando la emergenncia de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo

  • Virginia Morales
Keywords: discourse, subversion, identity, performativity, motherhood


This paper attempts to trace back the moment of emergence of Madres de Plaza de Mayo in order to rethink the conditions that made (im) possible the constitution of this new identity. In contrast to those approaches that understand that moment as a spontaneous response of female roles and identities to the intensity of the military’s dictatorship repression this work studies the process of political struggle and radical re-signification of those roles and identities that involved the irruption of the Madres in the middle of a context characterized by fear, uncertainty and the desperation of many of the detained-disappeared relatives.


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How to Cite
Morales, V. (1). La subversión del <i>grito</i&gt;. Repensando la emergenncia de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Mora, (21), 37-61.