¿Hedonistas o revolucionarios? Política homosexual radical e izquierda trotskista en Argentina y Brasil (1967-1983)

  • Santiago Joaquín Insausti


In the seventies, the Argentine Frente de Liberación Homosexual failed in its attempts to become an ally of left-wing parties, while comparatively, the Brazilian homosexual movement achieved a fast and synergic integration with Troskyist forces. Through an analysis of a diverse body of primary sources, including personal records and in-depth interviews, this article will explore the history of the Argentine Frente and the brazilian Facción Homosexual de Convergencia Socialista. The focus will be on the alliances these groups tried to build with left-wing parties, a topic examined in the context of the politics of gender and sexuality within the left and in relation to the different stages of state violence and persecution of political dissidence deployed in each country in different moments. The article will also discuss the international networks developed by the homosexual movement and the global history of the left. The role of Trotskyism is discussed in more detail because this political current offered more alliance opportunities to homosexual movements in several countries.


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How to Cite
Insausti, S. J. (2020). ¿Hedonistas o revolucionarios? Política homosexual radical e izquierda trotskista en Argentina y Brasil (1967-1983). Mora, (25), 85-110. https://doi.org/10.34096/mora.n25.8493