Búsquedas de vínculos eróticos y/o afectivos a través de las apps. Un estudio comparado entre la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad de México

  • Mariana Palumbo


This article employs a qualitative and comparative approach towards analyzing the reasons why middle-class adult heterosexual men and women residing in Buenos Aires and Mexico choose to use dating applications -in this case Tinder- as a space of sociability for the purpose of erotic and/or affective meetings. To that end, we shall describe and analyze: a) the motivations involved -conveniences, as well as erotic and/or affective features of the application- that attract users to Tinder; b) the geolocation feature offered by Tinder: where the application is used, the spatial scope of the searches performed, and if the application is used in other countries; c) the role of women as consumers of dating applications.


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How to Cite
Palumbo, M. (2020). Búsquedas de vínculos eróticos y/o afectivos a través de las apps. Un estudio comparado entre la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y la Ciudad de México. Mora, (25), 155-172. https://doi.org/10.34096/mora.n25.8527