Tecnologías del saber musical en Río de Janeiro en el siglo XIX: el caso de la viola

  • Renato Moreira Varoni de Castro
Palabras clave: fuentes históricas en etnomusicología, (etno)musicología histórica, tecnologías del saber musical, viola, Debret, Rugendas


This article discusses methodological strategies for dealing with historical sources in (ethno)musicology research. I name this approach “technologies of musical knowledge” and besides a review of the importance of technologies for the development of (ethno)musicology, I support my perspective through visual examples from my own investigation about the violas in nineteenth century Rio de Janeiro. I argue that despite the myriad of sources available, including iconographic representation (drawings and paintings), travelogues, chronicle and fictional literature, musical scores and tutors; their ethnographic information can only emerge out of a process of interpretation that involves a full assessment of the representational medium in which the data is presented. In other words, I defend that a thorough analysis and interpretation of musical documents depends on the awareness of the technological enablements and constraints in which the historical representations are inscribed.


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Cómo citar
Varoni de Castro, R. M. (2020). Tecnologías del saber musical en Río de Janeiro en el siglo XIX: el caso de la viola. El oído Pensante, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.34096/oidopensante.v8n1.7599