Field and territory of Extension as an academic practice

Keywords: Bourdieu, habitus, horizontality, dialogic, subjectivity, integral practices


The university extension is an academic practice that has been built through daily experiences, thus forming relationships with the territory that characterizes and that allow it to be related it with different paradigms. On the other hand, some of its peculiarities, turned into descriptors, allow it to be distinguished from the other functions such as research and teaching, which at the same time –in my opinion– allows it to be frame it into the theory of fields from Pierre Bourdieu. Besides I propose to analyze some of its characteristics, emphasizing in the imprint of the territory and those who live in it, discussing the way in which some concepts and categories such as cultural capital, trajectories, subjectivities, tensions, dialogue, horizontality, purpose, habitus, among others contribute to its demarcation, but focusings the discussion in the way that the dynamics that configure the field in its structure, allow it to establish links and articulations with other academic fields, diluting of some of the limits that differentiated them, becoming the protagonist of the integral and integrative practice, in which they converge.

Author Biography

Mg. Carlos A. Zavaro Pérez, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. La Plata, Argentina.
Mg. en Ciencias en Biodiversidad Vegetal, con mención en curatoría (Academia de Ciencias de Cuba), especialista en Docencia universitaria otorgado por la UNLP, miembro de la Carrera de Doctorado de la Fac. Cs Nats. y Museo de la UNLP., Docente-Investigador del Dpto. de Plantas Vasculares del Museo de La Plata, investigo en filogenia de plantas parásitas, taxonomía y sistemas jerárquicos, imparto materias de Introducción a la Botánica y Sistemática de Plantas Vaculares., Miembro de la Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria de la Fac. Cs. Nats. y Museo (UNLP) en actividades de gestión de proyectos y prácticas integrales. Prof Adjunto de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Belgrano (imparto las materias de Evolución / Conservación y Educación Ambiental / Habilitación Profesional con enfoque en sociología de las ciencias. Contacto:
How to Cite
Zavaro Pérez, M. C. A. (2021). Field and territory of Extension as an academic practice. Redes De Extensión, 1(8), 58-75.
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