Categorization, Nomenclature and Identification of Animal Species of Ancient Egypt: the Case of the Predatory TnHr

  • Francisco L. Borrego Gallardo
Keywords: Egypt, falcons, Hypotriorchis, TnHr


Recently, a more complete and diverse interdisciplinarity is improving our understanding of how ancient Nilotic populations identified, named and categorized the animal species of their environments. An interesting case study is that of the raptor TnHr, a poorly documented term, with only three instances (the Cycle of Seasons in the sun temple of Nyuserra and the funerary complex of Unis and the tale of the Eloquent Peasant) and vague and generic translations as merely a falcon. It has only been studied in detail by E. Edel, who has barely indicated that it belongs to the genus Falco, and R. Krauss, who has identified it with the sooty falcon (Falco concolor). Their studies, however, leave room to analyze the TnHr from new perspectives, combining textual and iconographic evidence, topographic and chronographic data from the Cycle of Seasons, the habitat and routes of the resident and migratory Falconidae of the Nile Valley and their breeding cycle, ethology, morphology and colouring. This allows us to suggest that TnHr might designate falcons of the subgenus Hypotriorchis, especially the sooty falcon and Eleonora’s falcon (Falco eleonorae), and thus to understand its use as a metaphor for the ruthless and merciless judge in the Eloquent Peasant.


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How to Cite
Borrego Gallardo, F. L. (2023). Categorization, Nomenclature and Identification of Animal Species of Ancient Egypt: the Case of the Predatory TnHr. Revista Del Instituto De Historia Antigua Oriental, (24).
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