The statue of Nakht’s tomb (TT52): Its finding, hymn, and Re’s forms
The statue of Nakht was located in a niche in the inner chamber of a tomb belonging to a scribe and astronomer of the god Amun, which was situated on western Thebes, current Luxor. This statue is one of the objects found in the tomb. It is 40cm high, and depicts a kneeling man hol-ding a stele. When categorizing this object, we see that it belongs to the stelophor type, which is based on a religious context that unites the concepts of statue, stele and false door. In this article we intend to analyze the statue of Nakht from the perspective of the Material Engagement Theory, proposed by Lambros Malafouris, elucidating its position in the tomb, its form and its text. Thus, we will develop an idea of what this object could symbolize within Egyptian belief.Downloads
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