Guerras de independencia, acciones colectivas y movilización de los sectores subalternos. Las guerrillas insurgentes de la Gobernación de Cochabamba (1813-1816)

  • Yamila Vega
Keywords: war of independence popular particupation, altoperuanas guerrillas


This article aims to look into the modalities of collective action that took the participation of indigenous groups inhabiting the region of the Governor of Cochabamba, for the organization and development of the guerrillas, primarily Vallegrande, commanding Arenales, especially putting emphasis on resource war that develops throughout the territory studied. We will work with the Fund Álvarez de Arenales, particularly itineraries and daily campaign battles and reports prepared by Arenales and other rebel commanders, and letters to the central government; These documents allow us to examine the difficulties encountered in recruiting population, conflicts occurred not only among the commanders of the guerrillas, but also with the central authorities and the local population, especially in relation to obtaining resources. 
How to Cite
Vega, Y. (1). Guerras de independencia, acciones colectivas y movilización de los sectores subalternos. Las guerrillas insurgentes de la Gobernación de Cochabamba (1813-1816). Surandino Monográfico, (4), 1-16. Retrieved from