Repensando una ontología de la arqueología del paisaje en los Andes

  • Salvador Arano Romero
Keywords: Lanscape archeology, Los Andes, spatiality, space resignification


The studies about landscape, in recent decades, have developed an occidental trend, which has its proper characteristics and particular objectives when make an investigation. In this sense, this perspective gave, to landscape archeology and different studies about space, other view besides physical environments studies, considering the space like a particular and specific social configuration and its history. In this context, according whit Criado (1993), beyond the empirical approximations, that considering the space like something “inert” that self-contain and explains for itself, and the functionalist classification that see as economic activities, this news propositions consider landscape like a social elaboration, result of subjective and cognitive assimilation about space, both material and imaginary. According to this approximations, this article propose put emphasis in the importance of space resignification in frames of ritual conquest and symbolic appropriation of territories and societies that developed in los Andes, particular territory by various ways in which the space is presented, and like the local villager gives a sense of existence and belonging. 
How to Cite
Arano Romero, S. (1). Repensando una ontología de la arqueología del paisaje en los Andes. Surandino Monográfico, (2), 21-36. Retrieved from