Los desafíos de la interdisciplina. Los aportes de Ana María Lorandi al estudio de los valles Calchaquíes en los períodos prehispánico y colonial
interdisciplinarity, Calchaquí valleys, Ana María Lorandi
In this article we seek to review the contributions made by Ana María Lorandi to the production of knowledge about the societies and cultures of the Calchaquí valleys during the pre-Hispanic and colonial periods. To this end, in order to emphasize the original and innovative character of her work, we will analyze some of her main texts, reconstruct the socio-political and academic contexts in which they were written and recognize the different stages of her production that, although founded in a true interdisciplinary spirit, were preferentially nourished from specific disciplinary perspectives: archaeological, anthropological and historical. In this regard, under the light of this author’s research on the Calchaquí valleys and as a closure of this paper, we are interested in reflecting on the challenges of interdisciplinarity.
How to Cite
Boixadós, R., & Rodríguez, L. B. (1). Los desafíos de la interdisciplina. Los aportes de Ana María Lorandi al estudio de los valles Calchaquíes en los períodos prehispánico y colonial. Surandino Monográfico, (3), 67-82. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/surandino/article/view/4123