Nuevas perspectivas sobre las encomiendas de indios de los valles orientales de Tarija

  • Lía Guillermina Oliveto
Keywords: encomienda, valleys, Tarija


This contribution relieves the documentary information available on indigenous people who were settled in the eastern valleys of Tarija as part of the restructiring of that frontier by the Tawantinsuyu and were early asigned to some spaniards. In that way, we introduce a list of encomenderos and the history of the encomiendas that were established in this space of the souther Andes between 1540 and the end of the sixteenth century. In cases in which the cedulas de encomienda are available, we analized their information. But in others cases, we track the information from brief but inspiring indirect references to others sources. Moreover, this article provides information about the history of the dispute for the labor of indigenous people in colonial Charcas.
How to Cite
Oliveto, L. G. (1). Nuevas perspectivas sobre las encomiendas de indios de los valles orientales de Tarija. Surandino Monográfico, (2). Retrieved from
Dossier. La encomienda de indios: lecturas e interpretaciones en el siglo XXI