Piel de lava: groupality and theatrical matrices for the praxis of an argentinean theatrical scene

  • Carla Pessolano
Keywords: scenic practices, acting praxis, thick discourses, metaphorology, argentinean dramaturgy


This paper aims to create a first survey of the thick discourses in Piel de Lava’s troupe from Blumenberg’s Paradigms for a Metaphorology point of view. The group’s training in acting and dramaturgy established a way of creation that is still influencing their procedures and their thinking. By doing it, we stipulate that the speeches from where artists refer to their own practices explicitly impact in the sense given to the world and their creation. Is in this way that we will try to set how the group’s discursive matrices are organized when referring to their own praxis, conceiving that this not only shapes a discourse about these practices but also specific thoughts about the scenic practices as a whole.


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How to Cite
Pessolano, C. (2021). Piel de lava: groupality and theatrical matrices for the praxis of an argentinean theatrical scene. Teatro XXI, (37), 41-49. https://doi.org/10.34096/teatroxxi.n37.10592