Women playwrights in Buenos Aires. Mariana “Cumbi” Bustinza, her training and production in the Buenos Aires

  • Sofía Elena Meza
Keywords: playwrights, production, training, theater of Buenos Aires, cumbia


Women’s role in drama production has many times been overlooked by Buenos Aires theatre institutions. Based on previous researches, nowadays it’s possible to establish their place in drama development, considering the contribution of actresses, female producers, technicians and writers. This study is focused on Mariana “Cumbi” Bustinza, a female playwright who is currently working. We will reflect about her training, her bond with cumbia music and dancing. In this way, the study tries to make the reasons of her national popularity visible.


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How to Cite
Meza, S. E. (2021). Women playwrights in Buenos Aires. Mariana “Cumbi” Bustinza, her training and production in the Buenos Aires. Teatro XXI, (37), 51-57. https://doi.org/10.34096/teatroxxi.n37.10593