Work with the remains

The creative process of Nunca quise renunciar a mi carne (2020)

  • Ana Lucía Pellegrini UNA-GEDAL, UBA
Keywords: Creative Process, Contemporary Dance, Collective Creation, Archive, Body Memory


In this paper I propose an analysis of the creative process of the play Nunca quise renunciar a mi carne (2020), directed with Sofía Rypka, whose trigger revolves around the repertoire accumulated in the bodies and the concept of "reconstruction" taken to the individual journey of each performer. The original question of the work that organized both the creative process and the different seasons and revivals of the work was then directed to what each performer kept from his own journey and, at the same time, to that which was impossible to trace. We resorted to our own memory of the successive creative processes accumulated in our bodies with the aim of generating a retrospective and critical look at this set of past experiences, in dialogue with the analysis of a bibliography around the concepts of "archive", "repertoire", "recreation" and "reconstruction" that we put to the test and deformed to investigate our own languages in the creation of a new piece.   Then, I describe the stages of the creative process in dialogue with various authors, propose a series of reflections in the dialogue between theoretical research and choreographic practice and, finally, open the keys to continue in the next writings. 


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De Naverán, Isabel, 2010. “Introducción”, Hacer Historia, Barcelona: Centro Coreográfico Galego. Institut del Teatre. Mercat de les Flors.

Franko, Mark, 2017. “Epilogue to an Epilogue: Historicizing the Re- in Danced Reenactment”. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Reenactment, Nueva York: Oxford University Press.

Franko, Mark, 2017. “Introduction: The Power of Recall in a Post-Ephemeral Era”. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Reenactment, Nueva York: Oxford University Press.

Guber, Rosana, 2001. La etnografía. Método, campo, reflexividad, Bogotá: Norma.

Janša, Janez, 2010. “Reconstrucción 2”. Hacer Historia. Barcelona: Centro Coreográfico Galego, Institut del Teatre. Mercat de les Flors.

Pellegrini, Ana, Rypka, Sofía, 2022. Volver a hacer siendo otrxs. Las prácticas de “reposición” en la Compañía de Danza de la Universidad Nacional de las Artes. [Trabajo Final de Graduación. Universidad Nacional de las Artes].

Pérez, Victoria, 2010.“Replantear la historia de la danza desde el cuerpo”, Hacer Historia. Barcelona: Centro Coreográfico Galego, Institut del Teatre. Mercat de les Flors.

Schneider, Rebecca, 2010.“Los restos de lo escénico (reelaboración)”. Hacer Historia. Barcelona: Centro Coreográfico Galego. Institut del Teatre. Mercat de les Flors.

Siegmund, Gerald,2017. “Affect, Technique, and Discourse-Being Actively Passive in the Face of History: Reconstruccion of Reconstruction”. The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Reenactment, Nueva York: Oxford University Press.

Pellegrini, Rypka, 2019. Proyecto Nunca quise renunciar a mi carne. Premio Estímulo a la Creación Artística edición XIII.

Pellegrini, Rypka, 2021. Dossier Nunca quise renunciar a mi carne.

How to Cite
Pellegrini, A. L. (2023). Work with the remains. Teatro XXI, (39).