Pompeyo Audivert and the dispositive of theatrical composition

  • Nicholas Dieter Berdaguer Rauschenberg Carrera de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA.


We seek in this article to address the theatrical production of the Argentine director, actor, dramaturge and teacher Pompeyo Audivert. At first we reconstruct its aesthetic prerogatives and methodological discourse around the metaphor: the theater as a stone in the mirror. Secondly, we will analyze Audivert's so-called “metaphysical machine”, understanding it as a set of compositional procedures both for training and for the creation and adaptation of plays of texts by other authors. This set of procedures can also lead to a theatrical installation, such as the Ezeiza Museum. Finally, we will briefly reconstruct some of his works seeking to point out the marks of the metaphysical machine as a formal element of composition. Our hypothesis is that the metaphysical machine operates as a dispositive around the metaphorical slogan of the stone in the mirror to compose works that blur the representative and Aristotelian hypotheses seeking to problematize the simulacrum condition of both reality and performance as a set of conventions.


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Author Biography

Nicholas Dieter Berdaguer Rauschenberg, Carrera de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA.
Sociólogo (USP, 2005)Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (UBA, 2015)Docente en la carrera de Sociología de la UBA


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How to Cite
Rauschenberg, N. D. B. (2024). Pompeyo Audivert and the dispositive of theatrical composition. Teatro XXI, (40). https://doi.org/10.34096/teatroxxi.n40.13425