<i>Teatro x la identidad</i>: daughters' testimonies on scene
Teatro X la identidad, Testimonies, memory
In the present article we compare analytically Vic y Vic (2007) by Erika Halvorsen, directed by Eugenia Levín, and Bajo las nubes de polvo de la mañana es imposible visualizar un ciervo dorado (2010) by Virginia Jáuregui and Damiana Poggi, directed by Andrés Binetti. We inquire into their role as memory supports, through three questions: 1) based on the testimony, how are the first person and the point of view constructed?, 2) is the construction of identity, by the second generation, based on a critical assumption, a distance shot and/or resignifying the legacy of their parents?, 3) through what textual and scenic resources do the staging deal with the tension between personal and collective stories?Downloads
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How to Cite
Diz, M. L. (1). <i>Teatro x la identidad</i>: daughters’ testimonies on scene. Teatro XXI, (34), 21-31. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/teatroxxi/article/view/5111