Aportes para la comprensión del “sí mismo” y de los “otros sí mismos” en la ética aristotélica

  • Diego Tabakian AGENCIA-FONCYT, UBA, USAL
Keywords: self care, self knowledge, self, Aristotle


This paper aims at elucidating the concepts of “self” and “another self” in Aristotelian thought within the framework of the problems of self care and self knowledge. We´ll approach the different senses of “self” -which depend on its identification with the practical and theoretical intellect. We aim to show the close connection between the constitution of the “self” and self knowledge with the formation of the moral character, that takes place out of the development of ethical and intellectual virtues. Since self care presupposes self knowledge (which is reached by means of the virtuous community of friends), we aim at approaching the characteristics of virtuous friendship: ethical consensus and mutual care which lead to human perfection. We´ll analyse and depart from  NE IX. 4, 8 y 9, X. 7-8, and EE VII. 6 y 12 to elucidate these notions and problems. 


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How to Cite
Tabakian, D. (2022). Aportes para la comprensión del “sí mismo” y de los “otros sí mismos” en la ética aristotélica. Cuadernos De filosofía, (77). https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n77.10415