Potestas papae. Extent and Limits of Papal Jurisdiction in De concordantia catholica by Nicholas of Cusa

  • Martín D'Ascenzo
Keywords: Council, Nicholas of Cusa, Monarchy, Papacy, Priesthood


The aim of this paper is to present the way in which the Nicholas of Cusa understands the nature, scope and limits of papal power in the two considerations of the Priesthood in De concordantia catholica. Thus, the treatment of the Petrine office is presented separately from a monarchical perspective and from a conciliarist one. This will make it possible to clarify some common problems among the interpreters of the political thought of Nicolás de Cusa that affect the coherence of the ecclesiological project


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How to Cite
D’Ascenzo, M. (2020). Potestas papae. Extent and Limits of Papal Jurisdiction in De concordantia catholica by Nicholas of Cusa. Cuadernos De filosofía, (74), 41-49. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n74.10855